Sunday, 1 July 2012

What Happened on July 1st??

In 1996:

Cornelius Fudge was sacked from his office of Minister for Magic after
the wizarding community screamed for his resignation for a fornight,
as a consequence of Department of Mysteries battle.

Rufus Scrimgeour, hitherto Head of the Auror Office, succeeded Fudge
in the Minister for Magic post.


  1. what day is it when the hogwarts school year is done?

  2. well almost i know it is 7th year

  3. ... As a descendent of the Waterhouse family from whom Agnes Waterhouse was taken and hung as a witch in 1566 in chelmsford I thank you from the essence of my being that you portrayed being a witch as a thing of race and a toss of the genes.As in compound unions of non line blood and other you accuratly caught the essence of the situations that sadly arise when a child is born with , shall i say non talented siblings.
    a step daughter of mine was termed half -blood years before you penned the term by her older brother and two younger sisters. As head of the biological family in my line in full tradition i was put to it and using the best option available those childrens talents were turned off, and remain so untill they learn to ignore the differences of their sister and celebrate the similaraties. as the youngest daughter and youngest son come from different mothers and were spared the arrogance of the older three they are the only two of their generation to remain with un mitigated talents, as are the following (current) thirteen grandchildren.
    Ironic it is that my own grandfather did the same in his day sealing off my parents generation from their talents, and leaving my older siblings sealed for the same reason
    simply put it is love for the ones who lack the love for their family members that causes this to happen, and without that love there can be no trust, and without love and trust real magic is limited and unguided in the most offensive and hurtful ways.
    So from the center of alaska i send you salutations and greetings and for what its worth the blessings for taking pen in hand and touching hearts everywhere.
    funny thing that when i re married for a few months in 2005 i took my wifes last name, the good dr. helen was from bristol and her wonderful father was the head of the chemestry dept in oxford before they moved to the usa when helen was 17, the elder of my children couldnt believe or stand that i went to having coates as a last name and dropped the waterhouse..(well being the doctors sixth husband wasnt a secure position to be in, i wish her well with the #7 etc... and as you like to play with words as much as i do perhaps you will get the pun in my pen name
    origionalmerlin thanks again andrew waterhouse coates fairbanks alaska usa
