Flourish & Blotts

Daily Prophet

Wednesday 30 January 2013

Lily Evans Facts + Quotes (with Sources)

  • Lily Evans (30 January 1960 – 31 October 1981) was a Muggle-born witch, the daughter of Mr. & Mrs. Evans, & Petunia's sister.
  • Lily Evans learned that she was a witch as a child, after Severus Snape, who lived nearby, told her of the existence of magic
  • Lily Evans ended the friendship with Severus Snape in their fifth year at Hogwarts, after Snape called her a Mudblood.
  • Lily Evans attended Hogwarts from 1971 to 1978, was a member of the Slug Club and was made Head Girl in her seventh year.
  • In their fifth year, James was repeatedly asking Lily Evans out, but she refused him, calling him an "arrogant toerag".
  • During their seventh year, James Potter matured greatly which led to Lily Evans finally agreeing to go out with him.
  • In late 1977, Lily Evans and James Potter had a disastrous first meeting with Petunia and her then-fiancĂ©, Vernon Dursley. During the meeting, When Vernon tried to impress James with his car, the wizard in turn boasted of his own material wealth, and a row ensued.
  • Though Lily Evans & James were invited to Petunia's wedding in the end of 1977, Petunia refused to have Lily as a bridesmaid.
  • Sometime after graduating from Hogwarts in 1978, Lily Evans and James married, with Sirius Black serving as James' best man.
  • Due to the danger they were in, Lily and James chose to keep Harry's christening a very hurried, quiet affair with Sirius as the only guest.
  • Lily sent Harry's birth announcement to Petunia which was then thrown into bin by Petunia; it was to be the last piece of mail she ever sent her sister.
  • Lily's only granddaughter, Lily Luna Potter, was named after her.
  • The given name Lily comes from the name of the flower, which is a symbol of purity.
  • Evans is a Welsh or English surname derived from the given name Evan. As a Welsh name, Evan means "young warrior" 
  • Lily's youngest grandson (Albus Severus) and her son (Harry Potter) are the only Potter members to inherit Lily's eyes. 
  • Voldemort tried to recruit James & Lily before they left Hogwarts. Muggle-borns can be permitted to join him, but only in rare circumstances
  • Like Ginny, Lily Evans was a popular girl.
  • Snape's last words to Harry ("Look... at... me...") were simply a desire to see Lily's eyes before he died. 
  • Lupin was very fond of Lily but he did not compete with James for her.
Lily Evans


Severus Snape: “...thought we were supposed to be friends? Best friends?” 
Lily Evans: “We are, Sev.”

Harry Potter: "You'll stay with me?" 
Lily Evans: "Always."

Lily Evans: "You've been so brave, sweetheart." 
Harry Potter: "Why are you here? All of you?" 
Lily: "We never left." 

"Harry, you are so loved. Mama loves you. Dada loves you. Harry, be safe. Be strong." -Lily Evans

"The Last Enemy that shall be Destroyed is Death." -written on James and Lily's Grave.
